Blogger Recognition Award

I am truly grateful to be nominated by this super talented and delightful blogger, Michelle Novak of Inspired by Venice, for a Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you so much! Do head to her blog page for awesome healthy recipes and lovely pictures of Tiddo!

And here are Blogger Recognition rules:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and share the link to their blog.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog got started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 bloggers of your choice for the award.
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know that you’ve nominated them and provide a link to your post.
How my blog started?

I started this blog a little over a year ago. There were several factors that drove me to started this blog. I like reading other people blogs about cooking or baking and mainly travel stories. Being lazy, I used to bookmark recipe posts I wished to make one day – but over the time those links changed and I lost a lot of those bookmarks and never could find them again 🙁 Then one day, it just came to me why not I start my own blog – where I can actually post recipes that I have tried? I can share with my readers any tips I have pick up here and there and might be a benefit for others.

As for travel, as much as I love doing that, unfortunately we cannot afford doing it more often. What I love about travelling is mainly trying the local cuisines (as you can probably tell by now how much we love food hehehe). I would share our journeys along with how we felt about it.

Every now and then you will also see my posts on soap making or any odd simple craft projects or gardening attempts (or might I say, fails :P)

Two pieces of advice to new bloggers:

I definitely no expert and still learning to be better at this and here are my two cents. A super long post often confuses me, especially if it’s all writings. It is better to have few pictures and try not to write too long in a single post.

Another tip is that do blogging because you enjoy doing it. Remember that whilst it’s an online world where you barely know your fellow bloggers in person; it is always good to be kind and respective to others 🙂

And here are my nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award (in no particular order):

  1. Coklat dan Hujan
  2. Cooking without Limits
  3. Eris
  4. Give Me Meatloaf
  5. Healthy Food Recipe
  6. Joji, Myohmyjojo
  7. Kcijoel
  8. Khadija
  9. Ndayeng
  10. Schnippelboy
  11. Simply My Corner
  12. Voice of A Thoughtful Mind
  13. Wanderlust – A New Chapter
  14. Yenny Widjaya
  15. You Betcha Can Make This

I thank you fellow bloggers for inspiring me 🙂



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